Monday, May 23, 2011

coffee coffee coffee!!

Tip of the Day!
Heres a little secret!

Yes it may seem weird but coffee before a workout is a huge helper. Not only did i notice that i worked out longer but more vigorously and felt MOTIVATED. 
ever since then i try to drink coffee before every workout.. dont believe me? just try it next time

-Use NO SUGAR!! 
not only will you be digging a hole but you probably wont see results
use Splenda (its modified sugar so the body doesn't digest it) and it taste just as good!

-Limit the Milk and creams
Milk and cream are pretty much lard going into your drink. it helps with the taste as i use it as well but i put just a hint.. (remember this is a workout aid not a dessert)

- It takes 30+ mins for the coffee to be digested
30-1 hour to be fully digested. all those little caffeine molecules will be invading your brain in no time i just drink up get ready and head out which takes about 40 mins before im actually exercising  

BAM get shit done son!


  1. just another tool in the toolshed. may seem straight forward but many people losing weight are like kindergartners to this (no offense)
    i am just the teacher.

  2. i'm a college kid and, therefore, I have the health of a college kid lol

  3. Lazy weight loss you say? Aw hell yeah. FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW

  4. Oh the sweet nectar that is coffee lol

  5. yeah just use fat free milk thatll do

  6. i noticed this too! it gives you so much energy

  7. Use unsweetned soya milk in your coffee if you need to make the coffee weaker!

  8. I find that coffee before a work out makes me feel sick. I take a prework up supplement to give me energy and more things. Currently taking Jack3d.

  9. Yeah, coffee is supposed to speed up your metabolism as well. Plus, it's just lovely stuff!

  10. @skinnyguy i heard of Jacke3d before and how good it is but i also heard that its loaded with some kind of sugar that might backfire or something like that...might want to google it!

  11. Yum, I already love coffee, this is great news!

  12. love the attitude about lazy exercise its great

  13. Is there anything better than lazy exercise?

  14. I'm a big coffee advocate for all things :)

  15. Why use exercise as an excuse for another coffee? Let's all have one now! :)
